

Responsive design vs mobile version: What to choose?

Responsive design vs mobile version: What to choose?

Introduction If you own an ecommerce shop, I am certain that you overheard the word "responsive" quite a few times in the last months. If you made the jump and asked the person who was sp..
Category: Web design

How to choose a web design company?

How to choose a web design company?

You have just created your business and you now need an online platform to start operating but you do not know how to choose. Let us guide you with some simple and objective points. ..
Category: Web design

Flat is trendy

Flat is trendy

Since its popularization in the middle of the 90's - mainly thanks to Windows 95 which brought neophytes to the use of computers - the face of Internet has changed many times. The trend even seems to ..
Category: Web design

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