

TDC CMS has been updated to v1.0.0
TDC CMS has been updated to v1.0.0
Introduced in 2013, our custom CMS has gone a long way until today. We are proud to announce that it has finally reached v1.0.0! So what does that mean for you? Automated ..
Category: CMS

Choosing the right platform for your eCommerce Business
Choosing the right platform for your eCommerce Business
Introduction Being an entrepreneur when you have no previous experience in entreprise creation can appear to be quite a challenge, especially if you already h..
Category: E-commerce

Responsive design vs mobile version: What to choose?
Responsive design vs mobile version: What to choose?
Introduction If you own an ecommerce shop, I am certain that you overheard the word "responsive" quite a few times in the last months. If you made the jump and asked the person who was sp..
Category: Web design

Blog categories

> Entrepreneurship
> Web design
> E-commerce